Friday, October 31, 2008

Ride Board

Is everybody OK for transportation to Gettysburg? We might have room for one more outbound, provided he or she is well mannered and, you know, self contained, but on the return, we may be heading down Baltimore way.

ANYWAY, need ride or have ride, use the ol' blogarooski here.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cell phone blues

I lost one cell phone in Myrtle Beach (salt water really murders 'em) and its replacement was last seen in the tiny little clutches of one Marin Virginia Murphy, who has so far held up under questioning although I haven't tried waterboarding yet. Anyway, I now have cell phone #3 up and running, so would anybody who has my number please give me a call so I can reconstitute my directory? If I don't answer, leave me a message so I can match a name to the number. Thanks!