Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Go Stillers!

E has to work and I think I'm just hanging around the house for the big game. Might pop into the local 'cause I'm in the pool and the food ain't so bad. I've been in at least one Super Bowl pool every year for over 30 years. Have I ever won anything? No-o-o-o-o. If any of you guys are good at math - try to figure out if that violates any laws of probability.

The last few years are sort of deja vu all over again as it relates to you youngsters. When your dads and moms were your age, the Steelers were busy winning 4 Super Bowls in 6 years. It didn't make us any better or smarter (it was parenthood that made us this brilliant) but it was a lot of fun to watch. Kinda cool to see it happening again.