Saturday, February 14, 2009

Out With a Bang

Now is the winter of our discontent. Baldwin didn't make the playoffs again. Rumors swirl about the possible dismissal of the head coach, assistant coach and the manager/ball boy. The good news is Tommy put twenty-one points on Norwin, along with six steals and four blocked shots. The head coach appologized for keeping Tommy in the game long enough to make it close. He has the knack for taking excellent ball players and shaping and molding them into timid, tentative underachievers. Not to be bitter.


Mike said...

I heard that the coach was using steroids to enhance his block-headedness, but then lied to Katie Couric about it.

Liz said...

Bummer!!! Sounds like our boy had an awesome season, though. I heard Tommy tested positive for awesomeness in 2003 and is now subject to random awesome-testing.